Free website templates
The latest templates (45 and up) in my free website templates section are CSS. Older templates are tabled styled, but they are still usable. All new templates will be release in valid CSS / xHTML. Please read the terms before use.

Small Business and Marketing services flash template. This template is offered by Wix and requires no software, as it is edited from their easy to use interface.

A very simple, clean yet elegant free website template that will make an excellent business, ecommerce or membership site. By changing the cloud header this template could be used for anything from a jewelry store to a auction site. Using the template as is will make a very professional website for any business. This website template has areas for member login and newsletter subscription. Scripts are not included with this template, but are readily available on the internet. All content on the page is text, with the template constructed using xHTML and CSS. It is very easy to edit and doesn't REQUIRE photo editing software.

This free web template would be great for a gardening, lawn care or landscaping company, flower store, winery, orchard, farming website, flower shop / store, or anything that would pretty much fit the green color scheme. Since the main header image is just one image, it can be replaced with any image of the same size… so essentially this template can become anything you want it to. Actually, you can even replace the image so you can have a different one load on each page. I have noticed quite a few users doing this with excellent results. The logo and all slogans are text and editing is simple since it has been written using valid CSS and xHTML.

This free website template has a fresh water aquarium theme, featuring a planted aquascape background image and some simple thumbnails to illustrate image placement. The background image can be removed and replaced with your own images, such as salt water tanks, cichlid tanks, reefs or even things that aren't fish related. The framework is xHTML and this template was constructed using valid CSS. All text in this template is text: that includes the logo, slogan and menu navigation.

Small business and / or consulting company Flash template. This is a classic style, free and easily editable template offered by Wix.

A very popular free website template among gaming and technology web pages, as well as gaming clans and guilds such as WOW (World of Warcraft), Warhammer, counterstrike, etc. Works well for corporate web sites, personal pages and music / DJ sites as well. This template has a graphic .jpg logo that includes a blank, a large header image that can be edited with any photo editing software. It also uses graphic buttons which will need to have the text applied in photo/image editor such as GIMP (free), Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro. A blank button is included in the templates zip file. This free web template comes in four colors: Green, blue, orange and purple.

This very popular business template comes in three colors: blue and tan, a reversed version and a color burnt version with a darker blue and tan. It includes basic CSS for text effects with a text menu and overall static size. The page centers and the template remains at an 800x600 size. This template has been very popularly used for blogs, personal pages, information websites

Kids clothing store or shop template. Perfect for online retailers and creative studios, this is an ecommerce Flash template offered by Wix that is edited using their online interface.